Tag Archives: education

Hope in children

I spoke at the Economist’s Sustainability Summit last week. I have written up my notes and added some more details into a more coherent post. This is a bit wide-ranging – even rambling, but I have a bunch of observations … Continue reading

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The Bustard’s Third Rule – kids v nukes

The Bustard’s Third Rule on climate policy is that it takes less time to raise a child than to build a nuclear power plant. Here is some good evidence: http://qz.com/681753/the-united-states-newest-nuclear-power-plant-has-taken-43-years-to-build/ The implication of this is that if we want to … Continue reading

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Diversity – everywhere except in the most important place

Resilience needs diversity: diversity means that if one bit of a system goes wrong, other bits, unaffected, can carry on and make up for local failure. Creativity needs diversity, too: as in the case of evolution, you need to try … Continue reading

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