Category Archives: Climate change policy

Price the job, not the trees

An alternative to pricing nature is pricing jobs. Here is a radical approach to stopping HS2 in its tracks. You offer the CEO £10m to denounce the project and resign. By denouncing it and revealing its illegalities and lies, he … Continue reading

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Some limitations in pricing nature

Nature is complicated and protecting it cannot be reduced to pricing a single species, place or chemical. Even if economists would like it so. In the Netflix film, Social Dilemma, one of the interviewees, Justin Rosenstein, talks of a world … Continue reading

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Covd 19, bouncy castles and resilience.

I have written an essay on bouncy castles, Covid 19, resilience and efficiency. Mainly on resilience. Because it is much longer than normal articles, I have posted it as a pdf. BLOG_JA_resilience_20200426 Print Friendly

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To nurture the sanctity of trees in our hearts

A cherry tree in our garden, viewed from below. Imagine a world where human life is cheap. If someone is in the queue in front of you and you are in a hurry, you take them out. If someone else … Continue reading

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Extract from Climate Change for Football Fans – short-termism v long-termism

This is chapter 45 from Climate Change for Football Fans. 45. The madness of long-termism Emissions markets might be a good long-term solution, but as we are talking about a short-term problem (to stabilise emissions), we should be looking at … Continue reading

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