Tag Archives: biodiversity

Agriculture’s Max 8 moment

On Thursday I spoke at the Economist Sustainability Summit in London. The event was sponsored by Bayer, owners of Monsanto. Several speakers pointed out the galling irony that a sustainability summit is sponsored by a company which is the antithesis … Continue reading

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Diversity – everywhere except in the most important place

Resilience needs diversity: diversity means that if one bit of a system goes wrong, other bits, unaffected, can carry on and make up for local failure. Creativity needs diversity, too: as in the case of evolution, you need to try … Continue reading

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Nature: love it or price it?

Yesterday my sister sent me a sermon she had given last week at Trinity College, Cambridge.  The subject of the sermon was Gerald Manley Hopkins, a poet who wrote about the beauty of the natural world.  Here is the 19th … Continue reading

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