Tag Archives: deforestation

Say the obvious: To save the Amazon, stop eating meat.

If you ask an expert about the causes of destruction of the forests in the Amazon, they will say: meat. It is virtually all about meat eating. Ranchers raising cattle. Farmers growing soya for export to the meat industry. This … Continue reading

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Taking climate change seriously: regime change, state failure and anarchy

Regime change is where a country or coalition of countries intervene in another country where the leaders are engaging in genocide, crimes against humanity and so forth. Say, hypothetically, a small, rogue state was expanding its chemical industry. It builds … Continue reading

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Emissions from eating meat and dairy – we need a number!

A large portion of the work of climate policy people is to measure emissions.  It is a tedious and nerdy labour but nonetheless important.  We are talking about science, about predictions and models, so we need rigorous monitoring and measurement … Continue reading

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