Category Archives: The Chronicles of Nat Eb

A fishing accident

It was a hot winter’s day.  The prime minister, Onan Hash, and his deputy, the minister for economic decline, Nat Eb, were spending the day on strategy.  They’d decamped to Hash’s beach-front cottage on the west coast of Scotland. Onan … Continue reading

Posted in Environment, society, politics and economics, The Chronicles of Nat Eb | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

An unlikely encounter – Günther and Gross

Some people don’t like it when the dimension of time is distorted.  Yet, it happened at least once in Telford.  A most unlikely encounter occurred when Günther, an EU bureaucrat in 2012, bumped into Derek Gross, travel porn mogul in … Continue reading

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Gross and Stumpy discuss a deal

Derek Gross is not a nice man as we know the word “nice”.  He is the son of a German refugee (Grosz) who settled in West Ham in the 1940s and made his way trading bathroom furniture until a London … Continue reading

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Meat porn

The trouble with writing stories via a blog is that the lack of planning can lead to geographical and temporal dislocations.  You might remember that Stumpy Regenkurt, senior advisor to the Minister of Economic Decline, was once an MP in … Continue reading

Posted in Climate change policy, Environment, society, politics and economics, The Chronicles of Nat Eb | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Confucius and Stallone

Another vignette from the UK’s mainly benign but sometimes barbaric low carbon dictatorship … Sir Heinz Klaxon-Schmitt, Minister of Finance, glanced out of the window of the prime minister’s office.  He looked at the crowd milling in the square below … Continue reading

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